Syksyn ja talven synkkinä hetkinä palaan tämän levyn pariin.
Se kuljettaa minut muistoissa niihin hämäriin aamuihin,
Se kuljettaa minut muistoissa niihin hämäriin aamuihin,
kun istuin lämpöisessä bussissa matkalla töihin.
Oli aikainen aamu,silmät meinasivat painua kiinni pitkän bussimatkan aikana.
Tiesin, että pian pitäisi astua viileään kirpeään ulkoilmaan.
Tallustaa loputtoman harmaan parkkipaikan läpi.
Avata ovet ja valmistautua uuteen päivään.
Loihtia hymy naamalle ja vastaanottaa pienet kasvot uuteen ihanaan päivään.
Joskus ikävöin noita hetkiä.
Kun sai vain nojailla bussin istuimeen,
tuijotella ikkunasta ulos ja odottaa.
Odottaa tuota kaikkea mikä kohta alkaa.
Olla vaan.
Tuijottaa ohiviliseviä valoja, ihmisiä, vesipisaroita.
Olla vaan.
"Street Lights"
Let me know
Do I still got time to grow
Things ain't always set in stone
That be known let me know
Let me
Seems like, street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
All the streets, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
In the streets
In the, streets
I'm just not there in the streets
I'm just not there
Life's just not fair
Seems like, street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
All the street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
All the street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
In the streets
In the, streets
I'm just not there in the streets
I'm just not there
Life's just not fair
Life's just not fair
"Street Lights"
Let me know
Do I still got time to grow
Things ain't always set in stone
That be known let me know
Let me
Seems like, street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
All the streets, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
In the streets
In the, streets
I'm just not there in the streets
I'm just not there
Life's just not fair
Seems like, street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
All the street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
All the street lights, glowin
Happen to be just like moments, passin
In front of me so I hopped in, the cab and
I paid my fare see I know my destination
But I'm just not there
In the streets
In the, streets
I'm just not there in the streets
I'm just not there
Life's just not fair
Life's just not fair
Hieno teksti <3